Taking The Pain Out Of Learning Pronunication
Pronunciation Pyramid
A unique learning system that is effective and flexible
$29.95 for all 5 sets (30% savings)Download A Sample | Purchase A SetPronunciation Pyramid is a unique way to help teach students how to hear difficult minimal pairs (like "L"s and "R"s). Each of the 5 series (B vs. V, L vs. R, TH vs. S, short I vs. long E, and short O vs. short U) contains several audio files which you burn to a CD. You can burn a self-checking study CD for the students to take home, choose to make an in-class study CD, or even create a "test" CD. You also receive a program (both Windows and Mac compatable) to create and print out worksheets to match the type of CDs you create as well as tips on how to use Pronunciation Pyramid in your classroom or for self-study. Who says learning pronunciation can't be fun? |